
Moham and the Snails

I am delighted that Moham and the Snails will be published on the 11th of October. So timely because many young persons just started pre-school and they might be struggling with complicated emotions r ........

What happens if the wild in the child is too repressed?

Anxiety is mental health concern number one, it leads to a variety of other mental health concerns and you might wonder why anxiety has taken such a turn for the worse.Ordinary anxiety is importan ........

Nature in Fairytales

In stories and especially fairytales nature comes to life in a unique way. The woods are a place where the unknown of our unconscious becomes known in a playful yet truthful manner, sides of our p ........

Mourning during transitions in coming of age and fairytales

In my previous blog I wrote about a sense of loss of continuity of self that can be experienced during transitions in coming of age for young persons.I pointed out that stories that address these ........

Mourning of loss of childhood and the love of stories

It is maybe sometimes overlooked that young people experience a deep sense of loss when they are in transition. Especially the transition from primary to secondary school which coincides often wit ........

Audio Book

I am delighted to share that the audiobook of Kaleidoscope of New Fairytales is now available!Audio books are important for many different reasons, they support learning differences and reading differ ........

Idealisation and Denigration

Idealisation and denigration are aspects of human functioning that we find in every aspect of daily life and often they go unnoticed. But both can lead to behaviours that can be most unhelpful.Any one ........

News about my work

Fairytales are at the heart of our experiences of what is magical in life, they are enjoyed by young and old and they can have a cathartic effect, they speak of deep and strong emotions and they speak ........